CrossFit Templum, Templum North – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
AMRAP 4:00
10 alt. groinner stretch
10 double knee tucks in plank
10 air squats
10 jumping jacks
14min to build to a heavy 3 rep
Back Squat (Build to 3RM)
Specific Warm-up
Warm-up (No Measure)
1 set
Movement // Focus
10 pulls on the rower // Legs extending as the shoulders move back
5 burpees
1 set
Movement // Focus
10 pulls on the rower // Legs extending, shoulders move back, and arms pull last.
5 burpees
1 set
Movement // Focus
10 pulls on the rower // Arms release from the body first before the legs on the return
5 burpees
1 set
Movement // Focus
10 pulls on the rower // Legs, body, arms on the pull. Arms, body, and legs on the return
5 burpees
Metcon (Time)
3 rounds for time of:
500/400-m row
21 burpees
400-m run
15 Burpees
300/200-m row
15 burpees
200-m run