Templum North – CrossFit
50 Handstand Pushups (Time)
50 Handstand Pushups for time
If unable to perform HSPU’s Accumulate 3 Minutes of Handstand holds. Then finish out with 50 Balance Board Pushups for time
50 Balance Board Pushups (Time)
50 Balance Board Push-ups for time
Avoid worming
Twister (Time)
50 Box Jumps 24/20″
100 Russian Twist 20/14# (medball)
100 Double Unders
1,000 Meter Row
Lower box or step-ups
200 singles
Farmer’s Medley (Time)
5 Rounds For Time
Farmer’s Carry 100 Meter’s
Men’s RX 35-45-60-70-80#’s
Women’s RX 15-25-35-50-55#’s
Each 100 meter carry with ascending weight each round. 5 Rounds total for time.