CrossFit Templum – Compete CAP
Workout Order Notes (No Measure)
Workout 1: 250214
Workout 2: 250213
Workout 3: Strength III
– Macro: Preparing for the Open
– A continuation of the previous month. Expect to see prior Open workouts repeated as well as efforts that test your capacity to keep moving and pushing forward for one more rep. Remember, every second counts.
– We will also test Grace, a 2K row, and a 3-rep-max front squat.
Warm-up (No Measure)
4 sets:
:40 easy row
:20 hard row
1 set:
:30 scorpion stretches/side
:30 elbow-to-instep/leg
:30 hamstring stretch/leg
10 box step-ups
1 set:
5 hang muscle cleans
5 hang power clean + front squats
5 hang squat cleans
5 box jumps
– Use an empty barbell.
3 sets:
5 box jumps
3 hang squat clean
– Build in load to just under your first working set.
– Use the first 5 sets to elevate your heart rate and move through full range of motion.
– The next set should help you dial in your technique.
– In the final 3 sets, build in load to find your starting workout weight.
250214 (Weight)
Every 2:00 for 10 rounds for load:
10 box jumps (20/24 in)
3 hang squat cleans
– Step down from the box.
Stimulus & Goals
– Box jumps in :20-:30.
– Unbroken squat cleans finished by 1:00 to allow 1:00 of rest.
– Athlete chooses load.
– Lower-body strength and endurance.
– Aim to increase your loading across as many sets as possible, ultimately finding the heaviest set of 3 for this workout.
– On the box jumps, focus on your speed when you step down from the box.
Box jumps | Height, box step-ups
Hang squat cleans | Load, hang power cleans, dumbbell hang squat cleans
250213 (Time)
7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:
Bar muscle-ups
– Row 150 meters after each round.
Stimulus & Goals
– 6:00-12:00.
– Each row in :35-:45; maintain a 1:45/2:30 pace.
– Bar muscle-ups in 1-2 sets.
– Sprint workout with upper-body pulling interference.
– Stay smooth on the rower, focusing on driving your legs hard and pulling less on the handle to save your pulling for the bar muscle-ups.
Bar muscle-ups | Reps, jumping bar muscle-ups, jumping chest-to-bar pull-ups, foot-assisted pull-ups and/or dips
Row | Distance, substitutions
Strength III (5 Rounds for weight)
5 sets:
5 weighted dips
10 strict handstand push-ups
– Rest 2:00-3:00 between sets.
– Pinch a dumbbell or medicine ball between your legs or use a weight belt to add weight to the dips.
– Perform the dips on rings or dip bars. Advanced athletes should perform their reps on rings.
– Switch the movement to double-dumbbell shoulder presses if you cannot perform strict handstand push-ups.
– If you are not proficient or have limited mobility with the dips, avoid adding weight; use a band for assistance if needed.
Stretching (Checkmark)
2:00 seated pike stretch (feet wide)