CrossFit Templum – Compete CAP
Workout Order Notes (No Measure)
Workout 1: 250210
Workout 2: Stamina I
Workout 3: Accessory – I
– Macro: Preparing for the Open
– A continuation of the previous month. Expect to see prior Open workouts repeated as well as efforts that test your capacity to keep moving and pushing forward for one more rep. Remember, every second counts.
– We will also test Grace, a 2K row, and a 3-rep-max front squat.
Warm-up (No Measure)
3 sets:
20 jumping jacks
10 leg swings/leg
20 walking lunges
100-meter jog
10 PVC pass-throughs
5 sets:
2-3 front squats
– Rest as needed between sets.
– Build in load.
– Increase speed and range of motion throughout the first 3 sets.
– In the final 5 sets, perform the movement you plan to use in the workout and build up to the weight for your first set.
Front Squat (250210
For load:
Front squat)
Stimulus & Goals
– Heavy day relative to each athlete’s capacity.
– Load should be challenging, relative to the athlete’s strength and experience levels with this movement.
– Those less comfortable with the front rack position should prioritize improving rack position before adding significant load.
– CAP Benchmark.
– Lift once every 4:00.
– Retest from 240904.
– Aim to perform your heaviest set of 3 on set four. This will allow you to go up if the set is successful, try again if you fail, or decrease the loading to finish on a high note.
Front squat | Load, range of motion, dumbbell front squat, back squat
Stamina I (Time)
5 sets for total time:
400-meter run
350/400-meter row
– Rest 2:00 between sets.
– Complete each set in under 4:30 total.
– Reduce run distance to 300 meters and row distance to 250/300 meters to maintain proper pacing.
– Start at a moderate pace and gradually increase speed to finish the final set faster than the first 4.
Accessory – I (Checkmark)
4 sets:
Handstand walk (100 ft)
1:00 flutter kicks
– Rest 2:00 between sets.
– Set up a 100-ft course and walk as far as possible without breaking.
– Challenge yourself to keep moving on the flutter kicks for the entire minute.
– If you are unable to walk on your hands or you know you will struggle with the volume, consider one of these scaling options: reduce the distance of the walk, give yourself 1 minute to walk as far as you can, or scale to 50 alternating shoulder taps.
Stretching (Checkmark)
1 set:
1:00 frog stretch
1:00 seated straddle stretch
1:00 seated butterfly stretch