CrossFit Templum – Compete CAP
Workout Order Notes (No Measure)
Workout 1: 250317
Workout 2: Run Dumbbell Step-up
Workout 3: Accessory – I
– Macro: Gas Pedal
– Expect to see more efforts that challenge your ability to keep the gas pedal down. These will be high-power, short-duration efforts.
– We will also test a 1:00 max-calorie bike, Fran, and Nancy.
Warm-up (No Measure)
2 sets:
1:00 single-unders
15 shoulder press with a thin band
15 band pull-aparts
10 push-ups
10 shoulder presses
1 set:
20 jumping jacks
5 push presses
20 alternating lunges
3 sets:
:20 double-unders
5 push presses
5 air squats
– Rest :30 between sets.
– Use the first set to increase your range of motion and elevate your heart rate.
– Use an empty barbell through the first two sets and then, in the final three sets, find your workout weight and movement options.
250317 (AMRAP – Reps)
3 rounds for reps of:
1:00 double-unders
1:00 push presses (55/75 lb)
1:00 air squats
– No rest between movements.
Stimulus & Goals
– 5-100 double-unders.
– 20-40 push presses.
– 20-60 squats.
– No rest between movements; expect :5-:10 for transitions.
– Light movements at fast paces to allow for some intensity while recovering from the Open workout.
– Move for as much of the minute as possible. Don’t push to failure; pause, take a deep breath, and get back to it.
– Challenge yourself to beat your previous round score.
Double-unders | Single-unders, penguin taps
Push presses | Load, dumbbell push presses, shoulder presses
Air squats | Air squats to a target, lunges, box step-ups
Run Dumbbell Step-up (7 Rounds for time)
Every 3:00 for 7 rounds:
200-meter run
12 DB box step-overs (20/35 lb) (20/24 in)
– Use two dumbbells.
Stimulus & Goals
– Run efforts in 1:00 or less.
– Moderate-to-light load for unbroken dumbbell box step-overs.
– :30 or more rest per round.
– Today’s workout is a grind. Each set should be a sprint effort with no real reason to stop in either movement; plan to put your head down and work.
– Push the pace on the run efforts and challenge yourself to hang on to the dumbbells.
Run | Distance, substitutions
Dumbbell box step-overs | Load, box height, unweighted step-ups, walking lunges
Run substitutions | 400/500-m C2 bike, 500/700-m Assault or Echo bike, 200/250-m row or ski
Accessory – I (Checkmark)
3:00 L-sit hold
– Perform the L-sit using a pair of parallettes, hanging from a pull-up bar, or finding any creative way to get yourself off the ground. Use the same technique throughout the entire 3 minutes that allows you to hold the L-sit for at least 10 seconds and no longer than 40 seconds. Rest as needed, but pick up where you left off until you accumulate 3 minutes of work.
Stretching (Checkmark)
1 set:
1:00 banded shoulder stretch/arm
1:00 table top stretch