CrossFit Templum – Compete CAP
Workout Order Notes (No Measure)
Workout 1: Strength I
Workout 2: 250212
Workout 3: Accessory – I
– Macro: Preparing for the Open
– A continuation of the previous month. Expect to see prior Open workouts repeated as well as efforts that test your capacity to keep moving and pushing forward for one more rep. Remember, every second counts.
– We will also test Grace, a 2K row, and a 3-rep-max front squat.
Warm-up (No Measure)
2 sets:
10 calf raises
10 plate toe taps
10 step-ups
10 drop-and-lands off of the plate
5 step-ups + squat landing/leg
10 box jumps + step-down (alternating step-down leg)
5 box jumps + squat landing
5 box jumps
1 set:
10 clean deadlifts
10 clean pulls
10 power cleans
10 touch-and-go power cleans from mid-shin
10 jump and lands (no bar; hands at shoulders)
10 jump, punch, and lands with arms extended overhead (no bar)
10 push jerks
10 clean and jerks
Every 2:00 for 5 sets:
1 clean and jerk
– Building up in load.
– Use the first two sets to elevate your heart rate and increase range of motion.
– Use the middle set to practice your technique with an empty barbell. Move slowly and focus on hitting the proper positions.
– In the last 5 sets, increase the loading until you find your first working load.
Clean and Jerk (Strength I
On a 20:00 clock:
Build to a 1-rep-max clean and jerk)
– Welcome to week six of the 2025 Strength 1 lifting cycle. This is a test week. The goal is to build to a heavy 1-rep clean and jerk.
– Within the 20-minute clock, aim to complete 6-10 total lifts. Any more than 10 reps and you are not getting enough rest between lifts.
– Be sure to warm up to at least 50% of your last heavy 1-rep before starting the 20-minute clock.
250212 (Time)
For time with a partner:
300-calorie bike
– One partner works at a time.
– Non-working partner must bear hug a sandbag or hold a pair of kettlebells or a barbell in the front rack.
Stimulus & Goals
– 17:00-25:00.
– One partner bikes while the other holds an object on the front side of the body.
– Switch as needed; the partner on the bike may only work once the object is off the ground.
– Athletes who predict being able to maintain 18+ calories/minute may scale up their load for the hold.
– Push the pace on the bike, and focus on your breathing while you hold your object. If you are not able to breathe while you are holding, reduce your pace on the bike.
Bike | Calories, same calories on a row or ski, 5K run
Object hold | Load, plank hold
Accessory – I (Checkmark)
3:00 L-sit hold
– Perform the L-sit using a pair of parallettes, hanging from a pull-up bar, or using any way possible to get yourself off the ground.
– Use the same variation for the entire 3 minutes that allows you to hold the L-sit for at least 10 seconds and no longer than 40 seconds.
– Rest as needed, but pick up where you left off until you accumulate 3 minutes of work.
Stretching (Checkmark)
1 set:
1:30 couch stretch/leg