CLOSED MONDAY (Log-in and complete Home WOD)
CrossFit Templum – CrossFit
Partner Warmup (No Measure)
2 Rounds each
Partner 1
5 Deadlifts
5 Hang Cleans
5 Strict press
5 Back Squats
5 Overhead squats
Partner 2
10 Scap pullups
10 Kip swings
3 Pullups
3 C2B
3 T2B
5 Hand release pushups
When you’re done , please warmup to you workout weight and gymnastics
Finish Strong – End of the year WOD (Time)
RX+ (135/95)
RX (115/85)
⚠️Gymnastics movements are the same
Scaled (95/65)
⚠️Jumping C2B /pullups / K290
Time cap – 25:00
31 Deadlift
28 Hang cleans
31 Front squats
30 Shoulder to overhead
31 Back squats
30 Straight Leg Sit-ups
31 C2B
31 T2B
30 Pullups
31 Hand Release Pushups
30 Air Squats
31 Bar over burpees
🏁 Score = Time