CrossFit Templum – CrossFit
1 set:
10 leg swings/leg
10 lateral leg swings/leg
5 air squats
5 sumo stance squats
5 narrow stance squats
5 air squats
1 set:
10 arm swings across
10 arm swings overhead
10 torso twists/direction
5 air squats
5 sumo stance squats
5 narrow stance squats
5 air squats
1 set:
5 inchworms + 1 push-up each
:30 alternating spiderman stretches
:30 air squats
1 set:
5 diver bomber push-ups
:30 squat-to-stands
:30 air squats
Specific Warm Up
Wall Walk and HSPU Progressions and Practice
1-3 wall walks
Metcon (Time)
For time:
100 air squats
5 handstand push-ups
25-ft handstand walk
75 air squats
10 handstand push-ups
25-ft handstand walk
50 air squats
15 handstand push-ups
25-ft handstand walk
25 air squats
20 handstand push-ups
25-ft handstand walk
100 air squats
5 pike push-ups
20 alternating shoulder taps (stomach facing the wall)
75 air squats
10 pike push-ups
20 alternating shoulder taps (stomach facing the wall)
50 air squats
15 pike push-ups
20 alternating shoulder taps (stomach facing the wall)
25 air squats
20 pike push-ups
20 alternating shoulder taps (stomach facing the wall)
Cool Down
2 sets:
1:00 foam roll lower back
:30 cat-cow
:30 standing pike stretch