CrossFit Templum – CrossFit
On a 6:00 clock:
20 jumping jacks
10 single-arm dumbbell presses/arm
10 scap pull-ups
5 burpees
Specific Warm-up
CTB Pullup progression and
HS walk practice 10mins
Metcon (Time)
5 rounds for time:
15 chest-to-bar pull-ups
Handstand walk (25 ft) RX+
Intermediate: 10 pullups and 20 handstand shoulder taps RX
Beginner: 10 jumping pullups & 5 inch worm pushups or 50ft bear crawl
Work Your Weakness (Strength;Skill;Stamina)
Metcon (Distance)
On a 15:00 clock:
Bike for distance
– Every minute perform a :15 sprint.
– Score is total distance.
– 5000/7000+ meters.
– Ride at a slow-to-moderate pace.
– Increase your pace significantly during the 15-second sprints.
– Your regular ride pace should feel like a sustainable recovery pace. During the sprint paces, push close to 100% effort. Remember that after each sprint you should ride as slow as needed to be able to repeat that sprint pace.
– Substitute run or ski as needed.