CrossFit Templum – CrossFit
Warm Up
4 sets x :45 pizza delivery game
Perform :45 dynamic stretches between each set of the game:
– Alternating elbow-to-insteps
– Alternating single-leg V-ups
– Push-ups to downward dog
– Leg swings/side
Specific Warm Up
2-3 sets:
8 walking lunge steps
– Alternating partners.
Every 3:00 for 4 sets:
6 left-leg DB step-ups (20/24 in)
6 right-leg DB step-ups
– Use on DB held at the shoulder.
– Build in load as desired.
Metcon (Time)
4 rounds for time:
30 walking lunge steps
25 toes-to-bars
Intermediate: 15 T2B
Beginner: 20 lunges & 15 knee raises
Work Your Weakness (Strength;Skill;Stamina)
Metcon (Distance)
20 sets for distance:
:40 standing bike
:20 seated bike
– Grind it out on the standing bike. Then, get in the saddle and try to push the pace for the remaining time.
– Push for 6,000-m or more.
Cool Down
1-2 sets:
1:00 foam roll quads
1:00 standing pike stretch