CrossFit Templum – CrossFit
3 sets:
15 jumping jacks
10 sit-ups, tuck-ups, or V-ups
5 wide stance inchworm + push-ups
Specific Warm-up
Deadlift and sumo deadlift prep…
Metcon (Weight)
Every 2:00 for 5 sets:
3 sumo deadlift
2 sumo deadlift + shrug
1 sumo deadlift high pull
– Build in load if the technique is sound.
Metcon (Time)
For time:
50 deadlifts (65/95 lb)
50 sumo deadlift high pulls
– Every minute including the start, complete 7 knees-to-elbows.
Intermediate: 55/75# & knees to armpit
Beginner: 30/30 reps 35/45# & hanging knee raises
Work Your Weakness (Strength;Skill;Stamina)
Metcon (Distance)
20 sets for distance:
:40 standing bike
:20 seated bike
– Grind it out on the standing bike. Then, get in the saddle and try to push the pace for the remaining time.
– Push for 6,000 meters or more.