CrossFit Templum – CrossFit
2 sets:
12 straight-leg sit-ups
12 supermen
12 PVC muscle snatches
Specific Warm Up
Snatch build up and Cycling:
5 hang muscle snatches
5 top-to-top hang muscle snatches
5 top-to-top hang power snatches
8-10 top-to-top power snatches
2 sets:
5 touch-and-go snatches
– Use workout weight
– Rest :30-1:00 between sets.
Metcon (Time)
3 rounds for time:
30 GHD sit-ups
30 power snatches (55/75 lb)
Intermediate: 30 bear hug med ball situps
Beginner: 20 AbMat Situps 35/45# bar
Metcon (Checkmark)
For completion:
200-m double-KB overhead carry
– Use a load that allows for 100-m or more at a time.
Work Your Weakness (Strength;Skill;Stamina)
Hang Power Snatch (For load:
Every 1:30 for 10 sets:
3 hang power snatch)
– Complete each lift at 60% or better based on the percentages of your 1-rep max.
– Look to increase loading on every set. So, each jump should be relatively small.
– Think about jumping the weight up to your overhead position and driving your elbows up and back to help keep the bar close. On the return, think about pushing the bar back to the hang position.