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CrossFit Templum – CrossFit
General Warm-up (No Measure)
3 sets:
10 alternating Samson stretch lunges
10 PVC overhead squats (weight in heels)
10 strict sit-ups (minimal arm movement)
10 good mornings (neutral spine)
10 strict pull-ups (full range of motion)
10 strict ring dips (rings close to the body)
Specific Warm-up
Rowing warm-up: 5mins
:30on and :30off Row efficiency and technique
:30 Arms and hips
:30 Leg drive (no arms)
:30 Tempo row (strong leg drive slow return)
:30 utilize recovery (handle cross knees before rebend) 1 sec pause
:60 Put it all together
2k Row (Time)
Max Effort 2k Row
– RX –
For time:
2,000-m row
Same as Rx’d
For time:
1,600-m row
– MASTERS 55+ –
Same as Rx’d
Skill Work (Checkmark)
2 sets:
1:00 plank hold
50 Russian twists
Stretching (Checkmark)
2 sets:
:30 Samson stretch/side
:30 elevated pigeon stretch/side
– AT-HOME – (Time)
For time:
2,000-m run
Work Your Weakness
Snatch (Snatch
Wave 1:
70% x 3
75% x 2
80% x 1
Wave 2:
75% x 3
80% x 2
80% x 1
Wave 3:
80% x 3
85% x 2
90% x 1
– Welcome to week one of the 2025 Strength 1 lifting cycle. The next four weeks will be dedicated to the snatch (power or squat) following a wave-loading template. Week five will be a deload week and then in week six, we will test our 1-rep snatch.
- For the percentages, use a recent max or heavy single.
– If the percentage calls for more than a single rep, they are meant to be completed as unbroken (touch-and-go) reps.
– Rest as needed between percentages and waves.
Back Squat (- STRENGTH II –
Back squat
– Welcome to week one of the second 2025 Strength 2 lifting cycle where we shift from the deadlift to the back squat.
– Use the same load for sets 4 and 5, but go for more than 5 reps in that final set without pushing to failure.
– Rest as needed between sets.
– STRENGTH III – (4 Rounds for weight)
5 sets:
5 bench presses
10 deficit push-ups
– Increase loading across as many sets as possible.
– Perform push-ups to the deepest deficit that allows you to maintain unbroken reps.
– Rest 2:00-3:00 between sets.
– Do not push to failure unless you have a spotter. If you do not have a spotter, you can still perform the session, but leave some gas in the tank to avoid failure.
– Modifications: Load, dumbbell bench or floor press.
– SKILL I – (3 Rounds for reps)
5 sets:
5 handstand push-up negatives
5 single-arm dumbbell seated strict presses/arm
:30 max handstand push-ups
– Rest 2:00 between sets.
– Maintain no less than a 2 count on the descent of the negative. Ensure your head does not crash to the floor.
– Use a dumbbell strict press load that allows you to complete unbroken reps on each arm.
– You may perform strict or kipping handstand push-ups. If you are capable of performing 15 unbroken kipping reps, perform strict reps for this skill work.
– Do not rest more than 10 seconds between movements.
– STAMINA I – (Time)
5 rounds for time:
24/30-calorie bike
– Rest 2:00 between rounds.
– Rounds in 2:30 or less. Advanced athletes push for sub-2:00.
– Use any available bike.
– Push as hard as possible on each round vs. pacing.
– If you use an Echo or Assault Bike, incorporate your arms as much as possible. On the C2 Bike, try and push through the heavy feeling in your legs.
– Bike modifications: Calories, max calories in 2:00, row or ski (same calories).