CrossFit Templum – CrossFit
2 rounds:
10 jumping jacks
10 over-the-fences
10 jumping jacks
10 Samson lunges
10 jumping jacks
5 sets :30 on/:30 off
Rowing focus on different cue ea. set
Specific Warm-up
Double under progressions and practice:
5 sets :30 on/:30 off
2 rounds:
6 med-ball squats
6 med-ball push-presses to target
6 wall-ball shots
– Rest :30 between each movement.
3 rounds:
4-calorie row
12 double-unders
:30 wall-ball shots
– Use workout variations of each movement.
– Rest 1:00 between rounds
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
4 x 2-minute rounds for reps of:
12-cal row
24 double-unders
Max-reps wall-ball shots (14/20 lb) (9/10 ft)
– Rest 2 minutes between rounds.
Beginner: 9/12 cal row; singles; 10/14#
Work Your Weakness (Strength;Skill;Stamina)
Metcon (Checkmark)
6 sets for load:
1 clean pull
1 hang power clean
1 hang squat clean
– All hang reps start from above the knee.
2 drop sets:
1 complex at 95%
1 complex at 90%
– Welcome to the “in-between cycles” week of our Strength program. The goal of this week’s strength sessions is to recover, realign, and prepare for the next eight-week and four-week cycles. This will commence on March 4.
– Perform 6 heavy sets of the complex, building in load. Leave 10-20 pounds in the tank, versus going as heavy as possible.
– Perform 2 additional drop sets at 95% and 90% of your heaviest set of the day.
– Rest 3:00 between sets.