CrossFit – Mon, Jan 22


Hoodies are here!!!

CrossFit Templum – CrossFit

Warm Up

400m jog

5 bootstrappers

10 scap retractions

15 empty bar deadlifts

200m jog

5 bootstrappers

10 kip swings

15 empty bar good mornings

100m jog

5 bootstrappers

3-5 strict pull-ups or ring rows

15 deadlifts (light weight)

Specific Warm Up

Double under practice & Deadlift build-up:

4 sets of 5 unbroken deads building up just past workout weight

in between sets 15-25 double unders or 45 sec practice


Hit the Gray Button -Eric Leininger WOF WOD (Time)

4 rounds for time: RX+

400m run

8 Deadlifts 225/275#

50 Double unders

5 Bar Muscle-ups

RX: C2B Pull-ups & 185/225#

Scaled: Pullups or Ring Rows, Single unders, & 95/135#

Cool Down

20 Bootstrappers 😉

Work Your Weakness (Strength;Skill;Stamina)

Metcon (Weight)

For load:

Snatch, clean or jerk:

5 reps x 2 sets @ 50-60%+

4 reps x 3 sets @ 60-70%+

3 reps x 2 sets @ 70-80%
– Welcome to week four of our Strength I cycle. For the next eight weeks, choose between snatch, clean, or jerk (push or split) and stick with the same lift for the entire eight weeks. You can change the lift in the next eight-week cycle.

– Use a recent 1-rep-max to find your percentages.

– Take the jerks from a rack.

– Rest as needed between sets.

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