CrossFit Templum – CrossFit
Burgener Warm-up (No Measure)
1. Down and “Finish”
2. Elbows High and Outside
3. Muscle Snatch
4. Snatch Lands at 2″, 4″, 6″
5. Snatch Drops
1. Snatch Push Press
2. Overhead Squat
3. Heaving Snatch Balance
4. Snatch Balance without a dip
5. Snatch Balance with a dip
Power Snatch (On a 10:00 clock:
Build to a heavy 3-rep power snatch
Touch and go reps
Triple Isabel (Time)
For time with a partner:
90 snatches (95/135 lb)
Intermediate: 65/95#
Beginner: 60 reps @ 35/45#
Work Your Weakness (Strength;Skill;Stamina)
Metcon (Weight)
For load:
Snatch, clean, or jerk:
3 reps x 2 sets at 70-80%
2 reps x 3 sets at 80-90%
1 rep x 4 sets at 90%+
– Welcome to week 7 of our Strength I cycle. Continue to stick with the lift you chose in week 1. You can change the lift in the next 8-week cycle.
– Use a recent 1-rep-max to find your percentages.
– Take the barbell out of a rack for the jerk.
– Rest as needed between sets.