CrossFit Templum – CrossFit
On a 6:00 Clock:
Partner A: Rows to 100m. For every meter Partner A rows under or over 100m, they must perform 2x that many reps of a penalty movement.
Partner B: As soon as Partner A gets off of the rower, Partner B starts on their own 100m row.
Scap pull-ups or ring rows
Kip swings
Shoulder taps with feet on box
Specific Warm Up
Single Leg Squat & HSPU Review:
Pre-Workout Test:
2 handstand push-ups or scaling option
4 single-leg squats or scaling option
10 pull-ups or scaling options
Mary (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
20-Minute AMRAP of:
5 Handstand Push-ups
10 Pistols (5-L / 5-R)
15 Pull-ups
5 strict presses (65/95 lb)
10 alternating single-leg squats to a target
10 pull-ups
5 push-ups
10 alternating lunges
10 jumping pull-ups
Cool Down
1:00 banded shoulder stretch/side
1:00 couch stretch/side