CrossFit Templum – CrossFit
1 round:
Partner 1: 200-m row
Partner 2: med-ball front squats
– Switch.
1 round:
10 back-to-back twist passes
10 granny tosses
10 chest passes
10 side tosses, right
10 side tosses, left
10 squat throws
Specific Warm Up
Deadlift/Wall Ball/Burpee/Broad Jump Review:
Deadlift Build up: to 125/185 RX
3 sets of 8 ea partner
Wall Ball:
5 Front Squat
5 Push Press
5 Thruster
5 Wall Balls
Plate to Plate Broad Jump:
Two foot jump and land the length of Plate to plate on the loaded barbell.
10 broad jumps. alt with partner
Double hop bar over burpees:
One partner on each side of barbell
Burpee then lateral hop over bar and back. Then partner repeats.
10 reps alternating.
Partner Metcon
Metcon (Time)
For time with a partner:
50-calorie row or 35 cal bike
50 plate to plate broad jumps
50 deadlifts (125/185 lb)
50 wall-ball shots (14/20 lb) (9/10 ft)
50 double hop bar over burpees
50 wall-ball shots
50 deadlifts
50 plate to plate broad umps
50-calorie row or 35 cal bike
*One person working at a time*
Intermediate: 95/135
Beginner: 65/95 & 30 reps all movements