CrossFit Templum – CrossFit
Partner Warm-up – Saturday (No Measure)
30 Jumping jacks
20 Arm circles forward (Long)
20 Arm circles backward (Short)
5/5 Hip Cars (slow)
5/5 Ankle circles (5 circles)
5/5 Side lunge stretch
Specific warm up (1 rounds each)
5 DeadliftS
5 Hang Snatch
3 Snatch balance
10/10 Calf raises
20 Singles / 20 DU
5/5 Lat opener
10 Scap pulls
5 K290
5 T2B
When done – warmup to workout weight
Soar Circuit (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Teams of 2 25:00 time cap
1 Power Snatch -> Hang Squat Snatch -> OHS
1 Wall Walk
10 DU
Every round reps go up by 1 on barbell and wall walks and 10 reps on DU
RX 95/65
Scaled – anything under RX weight / Half wall walk / Singles