CrossFit Templum – CrossFit
Metcon (Time)
1 set:
100-meter jog
:30 hip flexor to hamstring stretch/side
10 ring rows (easy)
10 air squats
:15 hollow hold
1 set:
100-meter run
10 walking lunge steps
5 ring rows (harder)
10 med-ball squats
10 hollow rocks
1 set:
100-meter run
10 walking lunge steps
10 ring rows (hardest) or 1-5 strict pull-ups
10 wall-ball shots
10 V-ups or T2B
Triple Double
Part 1-
3 rounds for time with a partner:
400-m run
30 walking lunges
30 pull-ups
Part 2-
Start at 15:00 and go to completion:
3 rounds for time with a partner:
400-m run
20 wall-ball shots (14/20 lb) (9/10 ft)
20 toes-to-bars
*Run together; split reps evenly.
*Score is the total combined time of each triplet (without the rest between parts)