CrossFit Templum – CrossFit
Metcon (Time)
1 set:
:30 jumping jacks
5 hip flexor to hamstring stretch/side
:30 plank hip taps (same side)
1 set:
:30 mountain climbers
10 push-ups
:30 active bar hang
1 set:
:30 burpees
10 alternating Samson stretches
10 scap pull-ups
Specific Warm Up:
1 set:
10 walking overhead plate lunges
10 burpees to a plate
100-meter weighted run (together)
– Rest 1:00 between sets.
1 set:
:30 burpees to a plate
10 walking lunges
:30 active bar hang
For time with a partner:
100 walking overhead plate lunges (25/45 lb)
75 burpees to a plate
1:00 accumulated hang from a pull-up bar
800-m weighted run together (25/45 lb)
1:00 accumulated hang from a pull-up bar
75 burpees to a plate
100 walking overhead plate lunges (25/45 lb)
– One partner works on the hangs, burpees, and overhead lunges, while the other rests.
– Run together with one partner carrying one plate at a time.