CrossFit Templum – CrossFit
*Rotate through with your team completing 3 sets total*
Set 1
Partner A 10 Cal Bike @50/55 rpms
Partner B 10 Bootstrappers, 10 Push-up to down dog
Partner C 200 meter run
Set 2
Partner A 10 Cal Bike @55/60 rpms
Partner B 10 Air Squats, 10 Up downs
Partner C 200 meter run
Set 3
Partner A 10 Cal Bike @60/65 rpms
Partner B 10 empty bar front squats, 10 empty bar muscle clean and press
Partner C 200 meter run
Specific Warm Up
Thruster Review & Build-up
Metcon (Calories)
27 min Clock: Max Cals
*split up reps as needed*
*one person working at a time*
9min CAP
60 Thrusters 65/95
60 Bar over Burpees
Max Cal Bike
60 Thrusters 85/135
60 Bar over Burpees
Max Cal Bike
60 Thrusters 105/155
60 Bar over Burpees
Max Cal Bike
Cool Down
30 ATY Drills
30 Arm Haulers