CrossFit Templum – CrossFit
2 rounds:
2:00 run, row, or ski
10 arm swings across
10 alternating arm swings overhead
10 torso twists
10 inchworms
10 push-ups, from the knees as needed
Specific Warm-up
Double under and Handstand walk prep:
Singles unders
Pike shoulder taps
Single under high jumps
Handstand kick ups
Penguin taps
Handstand shoulder taps
Single single double
Walk to wall drill
Double unders practice
Handstand walk practice
1 round:
10-15 double-unders or single-unders
15-ft handstand walk or 8 shoulder taps
– Use workout variations.
Metcon (Time)
Every 3:00 for 5 rounds:
50 double-unders
Handstand walk (25 ft)
– Rest remainder of each round.
– Score is slowest round.
Intermediate: 25 dubs, 20 shoulder taps
Beginner: 20 singles, 10 pike shoulder taps
Work Your Weakness (Strength;Skill;Stamina)
Metcon (Checkmark)
5 sets:
5 bench presses
5 weighted dips
– Rest as needed between sets. Build to your heaviest set of 5 in each movement.
– Use a spotter for this session if possible. If you are alone, be sure to not push to failure and be smart about the load you are lifting.