CrossFit Templum – CrossFit
1 set:
200-meter run, slow
10 high knees in place
10 torso twists
10 jumping jacks
10 alternating shoulder taps in plank
10 butt kickers in place
10 hand-elevated push-ups (use box)
10 box step-ups
200-meter run, faster
Specific Warm-up
Handstand Practice and progression:
10 Pike shoulder taps
10 Handstand shoulder taps
10 Wall facing shoulder taps
5mins of HS walk practice
1 round:
10 alternating box step up and overs (step down)
Rest :30
5 box jumps (step down)
Rest :30
5 box jump-overs (two-foot take-off and landing on top of the box before transitioning over)
– Partners take turns moving through each step with one partner working and the other resting.
1 round:
100-meter run
20-ft handstand walk
4 box jump-overs
– Stagger start the mini round by :30 if needed
– Use workout variations.
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
200-m run
50-ft handstand walk
10 box jump-overs (20/24 in)
– Step down from the box.
*5ft is 1 rep on hs walk
*ea sh tap is a rep
Intermediate: 24 alt. shoulder taps against wall
Beginner: 24 Alt Pike shoulder taps 16/20in box step overs
Metcon (Time)
For Time:
200-m double-KB overhead carry 35/53#
Work Your Weakness (Strength;Skill;Stamina)
Metcon (Checkmark)
5 sets:
5 handstand push-up negatives
5 single-arm dumbbell seated strict presses/arm
:30 max handstand push-ups
– Rest 2:00 between sets.
– Maintain no less than a 2 count on the negative descent to ensure your head doesn’t crash to the floor.
– Use a weight for the dumbbell strict press that allows you to complete all 5 reps on each arm unbroken.
– You may perform strict or kipping handstand push-ups. If you are capable of performing 15 unbroken kipping reps, perform strict reps in this skill work.
– Do not rest more than :10 between exercises.