CrossFit Templum – CrossFit
Warm Up
1min Row (easy)
5 push-up down dog
10 samson stretch
1min Row (mod)
5 inch worm + push-up
10 scorpion stretch
1min Row (hard
5 burpees + jump squat
10 groiners
Specific Warm Up
Single leg squat progressions & burpee to target set-up:
10 alt. reverse lunges
10 single leg squats to high target
10 single leg squats to lower target
*2min of practice or reverse deficit lunge option off 45# plate*
Find 12in target to jump to for burpees
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
13min Time Cap:
Buy-in: 800/1000m Row then…
9 burpees to 12in target
10 Alt. Single leg Squats RX+
RX: 45# plate deficit lunge
Scaled: Burpees to target just above reach & reverse lunges
Work Your Weakness (Strength;Skill;Stamina)
Metcon (Checkmark)
3 sets:
10 strict toes-to-bars
20 GHD back extensions
– Rest as needed between sets.
– Prioritize technique over speed. If your quality of movement is solid, then pick up the pace.
– Remember the back extension is a controlled movement that focuses on purposefully surrendering the lumbar spine and then regaining its rigid position one vertebra at a time.