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CrossFit Templum – CrossFit
General Warm-up (No Measure)
Shoulder warm-up
1 set:
:15 arm circles forward (small)
:15 arm circles forward (large)
:15 arm circles backward (small)
:15 arm circles backward (large)
10 PVC pass-throughs
5 PVC around-the-worlds/direction
5 cobra stretch to downward dogs
Progressive warm-up
1 set:
100-meter jog
10 ring rows
:20 push-ups from the knees
1 set:
200-m run
5-10 feet-elevated ring rows
:20 hand-release push-ups from the knees
1 set:
200-meter run
10 scap pull-ups
:20 hand-release push-ups
Specific Warm-up
CTB Pull-up Prep and trial run:
EMOM 3: 3-5 Pullup variations
Mini rd:
200m run
7 CTB Pull-ups
8 HR push-ups
250225 (Time)
– RX –
3 rounds for time:
15 chest-to-bar pull-ups
25 hand-release push-ups
400-meter run
3 rounds for time:
10 chin-over-bar pull-ups
15 hand-release push-ups
400-meter run
3 rounds for time:
10 ring rows
10 hand-release push-ups from the knees
200-meter run
– MASTERS 55+ –
Same as Rx’d
Skill Work (Checkmark)
4 sets:
:20 flutter kicks
:10 rest
:20 alternating V-ups
:10 rest
Stretching (Checkmark)
1:00 banded shoulder stretch/side
– AT-HOME – (No Measure)
3 rounds for time:
20 double-DB bent-over rows (35/50 lb)
25 hand-release push-ups
400-meter run