CrossFit Templum – CrossFit
4 sets:
:20 air squats
:10 up-downs
:30 rest
4 sets:
:20 bottom of squat hold
:10 burpees
Specific Warm-up
Clean and Jerk Progression:
6 Front Squats
6 Squat Cleans
6 Push Press
6 Push Jerks
3 Cleans and Jerks (with reset pause)
Split Jerk Tech:
Receiving position:
1) Feet squat width apart.
2) Front shin is vertical with the knee directly over the top of the front ankle; back knee is bent.
3) Front foot turned slightly in and the shin vertical.
4) Shoulder, hip and back knee in line, with spine neutral.
5) Torso upright.
6) Arms locked out and fully extended with the bar stacked over the middle of the head.
2 sets:
3 clean and jerks
3 sets:
1 clean and jerk
Clean and Jerk (1-1-1-1-1)
Score total load and best set
– Rest 3:00 between sets.
Metcon (Weight)
Clean & Jerk
Total of all 5 sets
Work Your Weakness (Strength;Skill;Stamina)
Back Squat (3-3-3-3-3)
– Max reps on the last set.
– Welcome to week two of our Strength II cycle where we will back squat for the next four weeks.
– Your goal is to find a heavy set of 3 back squats. This may not be a 3-rep-max but find your heavy 3-rep lift for the day.
– Use the same load for sets 4 and 5, but go for more than 3 reps in that final set without pushing to failure.