CrossFit Templum – CrossFit
2 sets:
1:00 row, bike, or ski.
:30 mountain climbers
5 shoulder presses
5 good mornings
:30 up-downs
5 push presses
5 deadlifts
:30 burpees
Push Jerk (10min to build to heavy set of 3)
CrossFit Games Open 13.2 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
10 Min AMRAP
5 Shoulder to Overhead 115# / 75#
10 Deadlifts 115# / 75#
15 Box Jumps 24″ / 20″
Intermediate: 65/95#
Beginner: 35/45#
Work Your Weakness (Strength;Skill;Stamina)
Deadlift (5-5-5-5-5+)
– Welcome to week one of the 2025 Strength 2 lifting cycle. The next four weeks will be dedicated to the deadlift following a progressive-loading template with decreasing reps and increasing loads. Week five will be a deload week and then in week six, we will test our 1-rep deadlift.
– Use the same load for sets 4 and 5, but go for more than 5 reps in that final set without pushing to failure.
– Rest as needed between sets.