June Templum Newsletter
CrossFit Templum – CrossFit
Tabata Warm-up:
3 rounds of: :20 on/ :10 off
Jumping Jacks
Up downs
Hollow rocks
Push up down dog
Specific Warm Up
:10 hollow hold
Shoulders and legs off the floor at the same time.
:10 seated single-leg elevated hold/leg
Spread legs apart and hold one leg off the ground.
:10 seated double-knee tuck hold
Feet off the ground and knee bent toward the chest.
:10 seated L-sit hold
Legs straight and off the floor. Shoulders over the hips.
:10 hollow hold
Shoulders and legs off the floor at the same time.
:10 double-knee tuck hold
Feet off the ground and knee bent toward the chest.
:10 single-leg elevated hold/leg
Bring one leg up parallel to the floor.
:10 L-sit hold
Both legs are straight and parallel to the floor. Shoulders over the hips.
Cool Down
2 sets:
:30 cobra stretch
:30 alternating scorpion stretch
Metcon (Distance)
5 sets:
On a 2:00 clock:
:30 L-sit hold
10 burpees-to-target (12 in)
Max distance DB farmers carry (35/50 lb)
Rest for 1:00.
– Use two DBs.
Intermediate: knee bent & 20/35# DB
Beginner: Plank hold & 10/15# DB