CrossFit Templum is now a member of the CrossFit Box Exchange. Which means you can now drop-in to other CF boxes across the country 🙂
CrossFit Templum – CrossFit
1 set:
:20 easy row
:20 moderate row
:20 hard row
10 unweighted good mornings
1 set:
:20 easy row
:20 moderate row
:20 hard row
10 inchworm + push-ups
1 set:
:20 easy row
:20 moderate row
:20 hard row
10 walking lunges
Specific Warm-up
Running Drills and Box Jump Prep
Metcon (Time)
For time:
100-calorie row
100 box jump-overs (20/24 in)
1,000-m run
Intermediate: 75,75 800m
Beginner: 60,50, 800m
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
8 sets:
:20 double-unders
:10 rest
Work Your Weakness (Strength;Skill;Stamina)
Deadlift (1-1-1-1-1-1-1)
– Welcome to week three of four in our Strength II Deadlift cycle.
– Your goal is to find a heavy single deadlift. This may not be a 1-rep-max but find your heavy 1-rep lift for the day.
– The last set should be the heaviest.
– Perform a new set every 3:00.