CrossFit Templum – CrossFit
2 sets:
5 inchworms
10 walking lunges out
20 mountain climbers
10 walking lunges back
20 forward and back leg swings (10 each leg)
Specific Warm-up
10 high hang muscle cleansTorso stays vertical, drive and shrug before pulling with the elbows.
10 high hang power cleansTorso stays vertical, jump and extend the hips before shrugging and pulling under.
5 deadlift-shrugsBar shaves the entire leg until the hip extends and then the shoulders shrug.
10 power cleansBig hip extension via a jump with the bar before pulling under.
10 power cleansExtend the hips, then shrug FAST with the shoulders to pull under quickly.
1 set:
5 touch-and-go power cleans
2 sets:
3 touch-and-go power cleans
2 sets:
1 power clean
Power Clean (Score best single)
Metcon (Weight)
9 sets for load:
Power cleans
Score total load
Cool Down
1 set:
1:00 foam roll upper back
1:00 seated straddle stretch
1:00 forearm stretch