CrossFit Templum – CrossFit
3 sets:
:40 lateral hops over the DB
:10 rest
:30 alternating shoulder taps
:10 rest
:20 hollow rocks
:10 rest
Specific Warm Up
Toes to bar Progression:
Position on the pull-up bar
Kip swing
2 kip swings + 2 knees above hips
2 kip swings + 2 knees-to-armpits
2 kip swings + 2 knees-to-armpits + 1 toes-to-bar
Multiple toes-to-bar reps
Wall Walk Review:
:30 shoulder taps
:30 shoulder taps in pike
:30 partial wall walk
:30 wall walks
Metcon (Time)
10 rounds for time:
9 toes-to-bars
3 wall walks
Intermediate: 6 & 2
Beginner: 5 hip above knees & 1 scaled wall walk
Cool Down
3 sets:
:30 band pull-aparts
:30 child’s pose stretch
Work Your Weakness (Strength;Skill;Stamina)
Shoulder Press (5-5-3-3-1-1-1)
For load:
Shoulder press
– Increase loading across as many sets as possible.
– 65-75% on the sets of 5.
– 75-85% on the sets of 3.
– 85-95%+ on the sets of 1.