CrossFit Templum – CrossFit
4 sets:
:20 air squats
:10 up-downs
:30 rest
4 sets:
:20 bottom of squat hold
:10 burpees
Specific Warm Up
Ensure sound positioning.
Front squat
Loose fingertip grip while keeping elbows off of the knees.
Squat clean
Smooth and slow pull off of the ground until the bar gets to mid-thigh.
Push press
Upright dip, hip extension before arms punch.
Push jerk
Upright dip, hip extension, then punch under the bar.
Split jerk
Knee stacked over front heel, back knee slightly bent.
Clean and jerk (touch-and-go)
3 sets:
Every 2:00
2 touch-and-go clean and jerks
Metcon (Weight)
Every 2:00 for 30:00:
2 clean and jerks
– Add load every 10:00.
*Score total weight*
Work Your Weakness (Strength;Skill;Stamina)
Metcon (Time)
For time:
800/1,000-m bike
Rest 1:00
1,600/2,000-m bike
Rest 2:00
2,400/3,000-m bike
Rest 3:00
3,200/4,000-m bike
– 20:00-26:00 of work (not including rest).
– Perform each bike at a sustainable pace (around 80-90% effort), rather than an all-out effort. This strategy will allow you to feel relatively recovered prior to starting each interval.
– Bike substitutions:
1) Run: 400-m, 800-m, 1,200-m, 1,600-m
2) Row: 400/500 m, 800/1,000 m, 1,200/1,500 m, 1,600/2,000 m
Cool Down
2 sets:
:30 saddle stretch
:30 down-dog stretch