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CrossFit Templum – CrossFit
1 set:
:40 row (maintain tall posture)
10 alternating scorpion stretches
1 set:
:40 row (return the arms before your knees bend)
5-10 knee push-ups
1 set:
:20 row (increase stroke rate)
5 tempo push-ups
1 set:
:20 row (drive harder through your heels)
5-10 push-ups
Practice Skill
Hanging knee raises
Knee partial skin the cat torso to parallel
Low ring partial skin the cat
High ring skin the cat
:30 skin the cat practice
:30 rest
2 sets:
8/10-calorie row
5-10 push-ups
– Rest 1:00-2:00 between sets.
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
5 rounds:
:30 row
:30 push-ups
Rest 2:00
– Score is total calories and push-up reps.
Intermediate: Same
Beginner: Elevated push-ups
Work Your Weakness (Strength;Skill;Stamina)
Metcon (Weight)
7 sets:
3 weighted pull-ups
– Rest 1:00-2:00 between sets.
– Increase loading across as many sets as possible, however, it is ok to perform the same weight for multiple sets.
– Use a dumbbell, a medicine ball, a vest, or a weight belt to add weight to the pull-ups.
– If you are not able to perform a pull-up under your own power, look to find the smallest assistance band possible that allows to you perform three smooth and controlled reps.