CrossFit Templum – CrossFit
Warm Up
DB Snatch Setup:
1) hips above the knees, but lower than the shoulders
2) flat back
3) body weight rooted through the heels
4) knees tracking the toes
1 set:
:30 bike (easy pace)
10 alternating Spiderman stretches
10 staggered stance good mornings/leg
1 set:
:30 bike (moderate pace)
10 alternating lunges
10 alternating DB deadlifts
1 set:
:30 bike (moderate pace)
10 air squats
10 alternating DB sumo deadlift high pulls
1 set:
:30 bike (fast pace)
10 DB goblet squats
10 alternating DB snatches
Specific Warm Up
3 overhead squat initiations
Press up as the hips push back.
3 above parallel overhead squats
Hold just above parallel and press up.
5 overhead squats
Press up into the bar at the bottom of the squat.
5 overhead squats
Push the bar away from the head throughout the entire squat.
Overhead Squat (EMOM 6:
5 overhead squats)
– From the floor.
– Build in load.
1 set:
10 calorie bike
10 overhead squats (workout weight)
10 alternating DB snatches (workout weight)
Metcon (Time)
For time:
50-calorie bike
50 overhead squats (65/95 lb)
50 alternating DB snatches (35/50 lb)
Intermediate: 55/75 & 20/35
Beginner: 40 reps/cals 35/45 & 15/20
Work Your Weakness (Strength;Skill;Stamina)
Back Squat (EMOM 12:
2 back squats)
– Build up to 70% or more and hold the same load across all 12 sets (straight sets).
– Take the barbell out of a rack if available.
Cool Down
1 set:
1:00 couch stretch/side
1:00 forearm stretch/side