CrossFit Templum – CrossFit
1 set:
:30 single-unders
10 alternating Spiderman stretches
7 wall-facing squats
1 set:
:30 single-single-double-unders (or attempts)
10 push-ups to down dog
7 wall-facing squats
1 set:
1:00 jump rope practice
10 leg swings across the body/leg
10 leg swings front to back/leg
7 wall-facing squats
Specific Warm-up
Wall Ball and Dub prep and practice
2 sets:
10 wall balls
:30 dubs
rest 2mins
Metcon (Time)
3 rounds for time:
30 Wall Balls (14/20)/(9ft/10ft)
90 double unders
Intermediate: 30/30
Beginner: 20 wb’s and 50 singles
Work Your Weakness (Strength;Skill;Stamina)
Metcon (Weight)
For load:
Snatch, clean, or jerk:
5 reps x 4 sets at 50-60%
4 reps x 3 sets at 60-70%
– Welcome to week 1 of our Strength I cycle. For the next eight weeks, choose between snatch, clean, or jerk (push or split) and stick with the same lift for the entire eight weeks. You can change the lift in the next eight-week cycle.
– Use a recent 1-rep-max to find your percentages.
– Take the barbell out of a rack for the jerk.
– Rest as needed between sets.