CrossFit Templum – CrossFit
2 sets:
:30 jumping jacks
:10 Samson stretch/leg
:30 mountain climbers
:10 Cossack squat stretch/leg
Specific Warm-up
5 reps of wall-facing squats
– :03 down, :03 hold, then stand.
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
10 x 1:00 rounds:
5 back squats 65-70%
Max-reps ring dips
– Rest 1:00 between rounds.
– Score is total ring dips.
Intermediate: Toe assisted ring dips
Beginner: Push-up from knees
*Score total ring dips
Work Your Weakness (Strength;Skill;Stamina)
Metcon (Checkmark)
For completion:
200-meter sandbag bear-hug carry (70/100 lb)
100-meter left-arm dumbbell overhead carry (35/50 lb)
100-meter right-arm dumbbell overhead carry
200-meter sandbag bear-hug carry
– Rest as needed between movements.
– Complete the sandbag carry in 2-3 sets.
– Complete the overhead carries in 1-2 sets.
– Use a moderate load that feels challenging toward the end, but allows you to walk casually.
– Break the sandbag carries at the 100-meter mark and rest as needed. Then, push to finish the rest of the 200 meters in one set, but break if needed.
– Push the overhead carries until failure, even if it means putting the dumbbell down 20 feet before the end of the 100 meters.
– Take longer rests during this piece and don’t try to push the pace. Longer rest breaks with quick unbroken sets are preferable to taking a lot of breaks.