CrossFit Templum – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
Set 1
10 Alternating Spiderman Stretch
10 Plank to Down Dog
Set 2
:30 Single Unders
10 Inch worms
10 Hand Release Push-ups
Set 3
:30 Double Unders or Singles
7 Wall Walks (Partial range of motion)
• Athletes should go no further than half way
Set 4
:30 Double Unders or Singles
5 Wall Walks (Full range of motion)
• Athletes should attempt to go as close to the wall as possible.
Specific Warm-up
Warm-up (No Measure)
Set 1
• Focus on bar path and positioning overhead
10 Barbell Strict Press
10 Superman Arch
Set 2
• Focus on maintaining a vertical torso during the dip and drive. As
the athlete dips, elbows should remain up and not drop. During the
step, as the athlete drives, remind them to pull their chin out of the
10 Dip Drive (Barbell in Rack)
10 V-ups
Set 3
• Focus on the vertical torso in the full movement and maintain
the high elbow position. Standing up out of the dip should be
aggressive and snappy.
10 Push Press (Barbell)
10 Burpees over the bar
Set 4
3 Sets x 3-5 Push Press
• Athletes should build in weight across these three sets and
determine what weight they want to start with. This should take no
longer than 5:00.
Push Press (5-5-5-5-5)
5 sets for load. You should not fail any reps until 4th set. Go for PR if feeling good. Score best set.
Metcon (No Measure)
4 Sets For Reps
:20 Archer Push-ups
Rest :10
:20 Archer Rows
Rest :10
Work Your Weakness (Strength;Skill;Stamina)
Metcon (Weight)
7 sets for load:
1 Clean Deadlift + 1 Power
Clean + 1 Hang Clean + 1
Front Squat