CrossFit Templum, Templum North – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
400 Meter Run
Into 3 rounds of: (w/ empty barbell)
10 good mornings
10 elbow punches
10 hang muscle cleans
10 up downs
Partner Metcon
Metcon (Time)
(4 Rounds)*
7 hang power clean (155/105)RX+ (115/75)RX
7 bar over burpees
400 meter partner run**
(6 Rounds)
5 hang power cleans
5 bar over burpees
400 meter partner run
(8 Rounds)
3 hang power cleans
3 bar over burpees
*Each partner completes full round of hpc & burpees before switching. Partners will split rounds, so on 8 rounds set, each partner will do 4 rounds.
**400 meter run will be done together.