CrossFit Templum – CrossFit
Gonna miss ya brother! 100% effort right there 😉
Warm-up (No Measure)
1:00 Bike (No Bike then row, run or ski)
immediately into
3 Rounds
10 BB or Banded Good Mornings
8 Bootstrappers*
6 Up Downs**
4/4 DB Strict Press
* Rounds 2/3 do reverse lunges*
** Rounds 2/3 do burpees)
(6min Cap)
Metcon (Weight)
Partner Strength
15 Minutes to find 1 RM Deadlift
*Weights added together between partners is the score entered*
We Will Miss You Jacob! Also This Is Your Fault!
Metcon (Time)
10 Rounds For Time (Partner WOD)
10 Cal AAB
10 DB Goblet Lunges
10 Alt SA Devils Press
RX: (50/35) SC: (35/25)
*Partners alternate every round. So while person A is going person B rests and once person A finishes the Devils Press person B starts round and person A rests*
(Time Cap: 25 Minutes)