CrossFit Templum, Templum North – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
Set 1
:30 Row (Conversation pace)
10 Alternating Spiderman Stretch
10 Box Step-ups
• Focus on athletes sitting up tall on the rower. Rowing sequence
should be: legs, arms, arms, legs.
Set 2
:30 Row (Moderate pace)
20 Mountain Climbers
10 Box Jumps or Step-ups
• Focus on increasing the stroke rate on the rower.
Set 3
:30 Row (Fast pace)
20 Double Knee Tucks in Plank
10 Box Jumps or Step-ups (Workout option)
• Focus on a strong drive on the rower coupled with a fast stroke
Specific Warm-up
Metcon (No Measure)
Progression // Focus
1) Deadlift // Proper set-up.
2) Deadlift // Keep the bar close on the ascent.
3) Deadlift // Push the hips back on the descent.
4) Pull from Shins to Knees // Push the knees back and out of the
way. Keep the bar close.
5) Deadlift // Maintain lumbar arch.
5min EMOM
3 Deadlifts
Christine (Time)
3 Rounds for time:
500m Row
12 Deadlifts, bodyweight
21 Box Jumps, 20″
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
AMRAP 3min
Max weighted step-up (24/20″)
– Use one DB