CrossFit Templum, Templum North – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
Set 1
Row = 70m
Penalty = 2x Alternating DB
Set 2
Row = 100m
Penalty = 2x Alternating DB Sumo Deadlift High Pull
Set 3
Row = 80m
Penalty = Alternating DB Snatch
Set 4
Row = 110m
Penalty = Alternating DB Snatch
Set 5
Row = 90m
Penalty = Alternating DB Snatch
Specific Warm-up
Warm-up (No Measure)
Set 1:
:20 Alternating Reverse Lunge + High Knee
Rest :10
:20 Single Unders
Rest :10
Set 2:
:20 Walking Lunges
Rest :10
:20 Double Unders or Attempts
Rest :10
Set 3-4:
:20 Overhead Walking Lunges (increase weight each set)
Rest :10
:20 Double Unders or Triple Under Attempts
Rest :10
Metcon (Time)
5 Round For Time:
50 Double Unders
50-ft. Single-Arm Overhead
Walking Lunges (50/35#)
30 Double Unders & 35/20# DB
1 min single unders
Walking Lunges
Warm-up (No Measure)
6mins of practice of:
DB Windmills
DB Overhead Squats
*no rep scheme just practice the movements*
Work Your Weakness (Strength;Skill;Stamina)
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
EMOM for 10mins:
1-5 Bar Muscle ups
*Score total reps in 10 mins*