December 22 + 23 – Annual 12 Days of Christmas WOD
December 24 + 25 – Closed
December 31 – Closed
January 1 – 9am + 10am classes only
Fall Templum Newsletter:
CrossFit Templum – CrossFit
Warm Up
2 sets:
10 arm swings across
10 arm swings overhead
10 torso twists
20 alternating hamstring scoops
20 high knees
20 butt kickers
:30 jumping jacks
:30 up-downs
:30 burpees
Specific Warm Up
Today you have the option to do 12 Days of Christmas Barbell WOD or Running and Burpee AMRAP.
Depending on your choice warm up accordingly.
“12 Days of Christmas Barbell” (Time)
For Time:
RX 75/55# RX+ 95/65#
Day 1 Deadlift
Day 2 Hang Power Cleans
Day 3 Front Squats
Day 4 Strict Press
Day 5 Back Squat
Day 6 Push Press
Day 7 Thrusters
Day 8 Squat Cleans
Day 9 Push Jerk
Day 10 Power Snatch
Day 11 Overhead Squats
Day 12 Sumo Deadlift High Pull
*Workout flows just like the Holiday song…each day represents the number of reps. Start at Day 1 (1 rep), then do Day 2 (2 reps) + Day 1 (1 rep) , Day 3 (3reps) + Day 2 (2 reps) + Day 1 (1 rep)…and so on.
Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)
200-meter run
AMRAP burpees
– Rest 2:00 –
400-meter run
AMRAP burpees
– Rest 4:00 –
800-meter run
AMRAP burpees
beginner: 200 400 600